The Entertainer: 2 Bedroom
Designer Granny Flat
Libra: 3 Bedroom *(from $159,900)
90m² Granny flat plus studio & 2 bathrooms
*prices exclusive of design and approval
The Love Boat: 2 Bedroom
L-Shaped Designer Granny Flat
Scorpio: 3 Bedroom *(from $109,900)
60m² investor’s choice granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Sagitarius: 2 Bedroom *(from $89,900)
40m² teenager studio / home office granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Aquarius: 2 Bedroom *(from $99,900)
50m² affordable granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Capricorn: 2 Bedroom *(from $109,900)
60m² Modern design granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Gemini: 2 Bedroom *(from $109,900)
60m² Parents retreat granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Leo: 2 Bedroom *(from $109,900)
60m² Spacious granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Pisces: 3 Bedroom *(from $109,900)
60m² Growing family granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Taurus: 2 Bedroom *(from $109,900)
60m² high ceilings granny flat
*prices exclusive of design and approval
Virgo Design: 2 Bedroom *(from $139,900)
78m² Granny flat with attached garage
*prices exclusive of design and approval